We just have finished the 48h Versus Virus Hackaton this weekend (03.04 – 05.04.2020) with the challenge to raise awareness on food waste and emergency stock hoarding in times of COVID-19.
- 263 projects submitted of 600 teams
- 84 project short listed
- 43 selected
Pitch Deck
Our Pitch Deck
Our Team Lorenz Hänggi , Cristofo Vilares , [SvenFrei][1], Thomas Veit , Luca Mele , Cédric Walter
Every citizen in the current situation started to build an emergency stock of food, base nutrition and toilet paper. It ’s a cycled hype. What happens in a few months and years with all of this stock? Today in Switzerland every year 1 million kilogram of food is wasted.
What it does
The user answers a few questions about his or her living situation and emergency stocks. We are then able to show possible excessive behaviours in a simple and funny way. In a personal summary we want to give suggestions, share knowledge and provide the possibility to donate “not-used emergency stock” to non-profit organisations.
How we built it
We designed the user flows and wireframes collaboratively in Miro. After that, we jumped into Figma to explore the design direction and finally designed our app ’s user interface. We then built a mobile first WebApp based on Vue JS, Node JS and Mongo DB.
What ’s next for The-Selfish-Hamster
We ’ll run a pilot phase at a large Swiss insurer to gather feedback and learn from our users. After refinement and further iterating we want to scale our solution in partnership with the Swiss government and Federal Office for the Environment. Finally, we want to add further features to the app — Sharing, Mailings, Notification, Tips & Links.
only work perfectly on iPhone X (resolution: 325px x 812px): but we are now fixing it this week!
Built with
Google maps, javascript, nmongodb, node.js and vue.js
Figma.com, Miro.com, Microsoft Teams, Slack